We measure velocity to track changes in donors’ giving patterns. By evaluating the speed at which donors increase their contributions, we can identify those who are signaling that they are ready to become major donors.
But velocity is just one part of the equation. It needs to be coupled with capacity (the donor’s ability to give), inclination (their willingness to give), and affinity (their connection to your cause).
To sum up, velocity is a powerful concept that can help nonprofits identify potential major donors. It’s a dynamic scorecard item that, when combined with other data points, can provide a comprehensive view of a prospect’s giving potential so that the prospect can be solicited for that stretch gift at the right time.
The power of velocity lies in its forward-looking nature – it doesn’t just tell us who our prospects are, but who they could be in the future. Remember, in the world of nonprofit fundraising, it’s not just about who our prospects are today, but who they are likely to be tomorrow.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of finding your ‘needles in the haystack’, we’re here to help. Scheduling a consultation with us could be the first step towards more efficient and effective fundraising operations.
In the meantime, consider taking our Analytics for Fundraisers Using R: A Beginner’s Course. This comprehensive resource can equip you with the tools you need to analyze your donor data effectively.
Let us assist you in accelerating your fundraising velocity and realizing your organization’s full potential.